MEDIA KIT SOCIAL ANALYTICS YouTube Max Salvato channel is the place where my community finds Action-cam, E-Mobility and Vlogs videos. +0KSUBSCRIBERS Tik Tok I opened @maxsalvato in July 2019 to discover the platform. It’s now an extension of my YouTube contents. +0KFOLLOWERSInstagram With @massy_11 I interact directly with my community. I share backstage contents and informations in real time. +0KFOLLOWERS Audience age Geography MY YOUTUBE PLAYLISTS Pillole di GoPro Tutorials, suggestions and reviews from the GoPro world. More the 60 videos since 2017. Italiano ad Abu Dhabi I share my personal life and experiences from the amazing United Arab Emirates. Pillole di Insta360 Tutorials, suggestions and reviews from the Insta360 world. It’s a new growing playlist. MY INSTAGRAM WALL A slow Italian weekend somewhere near Rome with my Throwback to an incredible camping experience from First Italian summer photo dump A mix of Love, anc It’s good to be back! It’s one month I didn’ What to do? We simply love life ❤️ First mont What is my definition of happiness? I’m not sure @ripcurl_me launched the new SS24 collection and i Nostalgic reel and this is why ⬇️ 16 March 202 It’s a really tough moment in my life. From my c I’m 32yo and I come on the banks of the river Ti The only reason I have to go back home in Milan: s 3 reasons I love the desert: 1. Freedom - being in Driving on the crest of the sand dunes during suns A memorable afternoon playing in the water with th Problem solving in the desert mixed with friendshi COLLABORATIONS Let’s collab! MAX SALVATO @ Max Salvato – 2020 GDPR YouTubeInstagramTiktokFacebook